Monday, 13 February 2017

Introduction Letter to whanau

Mihi nui ki a koutou,

Welcome back to another exciting year here at Clendon Park School. This is a letter of introduction, as well as an outline of what you and your child can expect from being in Room 10 this year.


In Terms 1 and 4, we have swimming classes.  It is essential that your child bring their togs – otherwise, they will be put into another class for the afternoon, where they will have to write lines. If your child has a valid excuse, then all is well. They can accompany the class and just observe.

Attendance & Punctuality:

If your child is absent from school, you must contact the office to let them know the reason for their absence.  If a pattern of absence emerges, or if your child is regularly away from school, I will make contact with you to find out what can be done to help.  If absences continue, I am required by law to contact truancy services and refer it to them. Please ensure your child is at school before the 8:55 bell goes- so that they do not miss out on any important learning.


Homework is given out every Monday and it is to be returned on Friday.  I do not accept excuses as to why it has not been done.  If it has not been done, or if I feel a minimal effort has been made, students will be required to write lines in their own time.

Dress Code:

Correct school uniform must be worn at all times.  No other colours are permitted.  Students are not permitted to wear bracelets or wristbands.  In Terms 1 and 4, it is also compulsory to wear a hat each day.  If your child is not wearing the correct school uniform, I require a note from home explaining why.


There is zero tolerance for any negative behaviour in and outside of the classroom. Each child will be ensured that they are in a safe, learning environment. You will be notified if your child has over stepped any boundaries put in place. School and classroom rules must and should be followed at all times.

As a teacher, I have high expectations of your child in order for them to be successful, life-time learners. I hope that we can work side by side to make this happen. We aim to achieve high standards, at all times.

I look forward to working with your child and meeting you at some stage throughout this year’s journey.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school on 267 6671, extension 734.

Nga mihi,

Sarah Magaoa

Room 10 teacher – Years 6 - 8


  1. Nice work for term 1 best singers 2017.

    Nikura room 10

  2. Cool singers!nice work,love it!

  3. great art work room10 keep it up

    Ezra and Tyton Rm10
